At first quite slow and there’s always been people who have had what would be called a gift but in the end we all have a spiritual self and its belief in that spiritual self that helps us harness who we truly are and we are able to shed the programming because without that spiritual self we are quite solid and if you do something thats a high vibrational activity like yoga or meditation or even walking active meditation some exercise you are actually put into a space of what that feels like when you feel that euphoric adrenalised space, you feel out of this world.
You don't feel like you usually do you feel different to how you feel in everyday life. And it’s that point you are trying to get to with every shift. So what happened previously we were experiencing quite long shifts and they were intense, because the low vibrational was still there, alot of fears, blockages, challenges and obstacles still coming up. The same ones usually as well, over and over again, and it felt like a record that would just never stop, and then the positive point of that is that with every spiritual shift there is a constant cycle of the same thing and issue, but every single time you are getting closer to understanding it and you will get to the point where you will want to get past it and dissolve that fear, as it will no longer be important in your life.
Something ive been learning i every single thought that is had on a conscious level is a representation of the past or the future, or in a non linear sense, every single lifetime we live and are living right now, is in the same time space, the present. I know that can sound weird and as a fearful concept, but in the end when you are told that, you intuitively know it is right. I think one of the biggest lessons that I have learnt, if you are told something, taught something or go through a meditation and it resonates you and it feels weird, odd, it could be your blockage saying, nope I’m not ready for change, yet if you are feeling that you are ready to change, it means you are aware the fear is there and what it is and you are ready to resolve and dissolve the fear, you are in the perfect space for change.
The biggest programming I’ve noticed is that when I’m in the space for change, I then step back, due to fear. Going through Mercury Retrograde right now, feels like I am taking 2 steps back, but that’s what Mercury Retrograde is all about!
We are heading into a Full Moon in Leo and it could amplify Mercury Retrograde, but the best advice is, do not fear the Full Moon, or Mercury Retrograde, the point of every spiritual shift, you are getting past your fears, you are moving at an accelerated motion and dealing with things easier and quicker all the time.
Every spiritual shift, you are heightening your vibration so you are in a space of calm more often and able to deal with what comes across as a challenge more often and you will feel closer to your spiritual goal. One thing that has come up for me during this time is communication, Now mercury retrograde is great for assumptions and fights and miscommunication, the best thing is instead of assuming what someone is thinking, its important to understand we have no private thoughts anymore, the planet is vibrating quicker and quicker and the resonance is increasing, the Schumann resonance the increased manner we are spiritually shifting so our thoughts are becoming processed even quicker as a collective consciousness.
This is why mediums and spiritual psychics seem so magical and out of this world to those who are on a lower vibration think it’s so amazing that someone can hear your thoughts or connect with the ‘spirit world’. We can all connect to our gifts, as we all have some kind of psychic gifts. It is not that unique, it’s about whether you harness it for yourself. Those thoughts are no longer private, so your thoughts are so important, to the collective consciousness and how it stays positive. So if you are talking about the past, future and present. If you are looking at the past, your thoughts are often creating regret, retelling stories, upset we didn’t do something we could have done and with the future you are talking about what could happen, and in that thought space you could create a situation that is not ideal. I know for all of you, that you have thought positively or negatively and you have noticed that things change around you to suit your energy space at that time. When you feel positive about it, it will be a positive reaction and that’s where manifesting comes in. If your in the present and clearing through meditation everyday and you manifest your space everyday in a positive space, you aren’t creating a story in the past, or creating a futuristic view. I have always been a futuristic person and in that I often create what I call ‘grand elaborate ideas and plans’ and it is not a good space to be in, as I always seem to fall short in what I’m trying to organise and manifest, as I have not gained patience in the present and the flow it brings.
I also held onto my past story as well and this gave me an excuse to keep myself in a low vibration. The shifts we are having used to be over a few weeks now it;’s about 10 shifts everyday and there's no doubt that eventually we will cross over to a crystalised space. We are becoming more crystalised. Some people are ready to cross over as their crystalisation is not continuing. It’s okay to grieve death, but do not fear it. Death and life is just a rebirth, it starts and ends at the same point and time has no linear space. Intuitively we feel okay with this when It is my biggest fear, but I learnt from reading others spiritual experiences, that has a fantastic meditation around how to embrace death and not fear it. Get yourself to the point of what can happened during death and after. I always fear I won’t be conscious anymore and I won’t be able to feel what’s going on around me once I die. But it brings you to a beautiful space of understanding and now my anxiety is small and short spurts and I know that once I become one with that I can feel I am able to get past it.
Our private thoughts are carrying across a collective consciousness now, so they are carrying across a space where everyone can feel, hear and see what you are saying.
Everyone's knowing what you are knowing. They are feeling the shifts more and more, quicker and quicker, it’s feeling more intense sometimes in a negative way, but it;s more positive because our vibration is increasing and we are understanding ourselves more and more. Those that don't understand are becoming more opposite and that’s ok too, there are many low vibrational people and they will be fearful and when you are full of feat you don’t connect you don’t change you don’t grow and you have a low vibration. At that point those people will fade away, they will struggle to keep high vibrational people in their place.
If someone is not growing or changing they will constantly put their energy across and they will more and more because they feel that its in fact you pushing against them so they will push more and more against you. The alignment will change so much, but in the end on a high vibrational end its about letting it flow. You can’t push anyone to change or grow, so it’;s about being in a high vibrational space its about sending out love and sending out healing for global and for self. Intuitive living is going where the opportunity is, you make decisions where you are in the present.
Recently I had a choice and during MR last year I left my uni placement. I was making myself sick from stress and I had so many days off because when I had been interviewed, I had not realised I could be in control of it, so I let the energy take me over, every single day and it made me very sick. Now, I know I can stay in the present, ground myself, be strong and determined and really take control of any situation, because I don’t let myself be drained by low vibrational experiences and people. I made the choice to leave, that was the strongest decision I had ever made. I made it as an intuitive choice and now, this year, I am in a completely different space to complete it. I am now ready to live in the present and in the present, I can actually enjoy what I am set out to do, for my journey.
I know it’s not something people want to talk about alot, the ‘woo woo’ spiritual stuff, but I am happy to talk about it. Generations are so different these days. When we think about our parents and even their parents generation, we look at the opportunities that arose and they had difficulty in their life, and then they came into a fair economic space, everything was in order, positive and negative, but the programming was there through the media and the critical thinking was different, things are acceptance then, and alot of acceptance of change without much provocative thought and different critical thinking compared to now. Even when we look at homosexuality, it has been around forever, difference in people, or just people in the end, we are just the same person. In the end if you treat someone badly, you are treating yourself badly. It’s about sending love to all and yourself as we are one collective consciousness. We are all accepting of love and sending love. It’s about, having the different view on, Im not going to do what everyone says, listen to your intuitive and your authentic self, not assuming that someones not a good person, not just what everyone else says.
Deciding intuitively what is right for you, going on your own trajectory, Its important knowing you are on your own path and when the thoughts we are having are so sensitive they can be destructive, we are looking at the difference in that generation and how we think today and how many times are we told just to get a job, but its not that easy.
It’s not that easy to just get a job, and its not that easy to just work any job. We have passion, we want to be challenged, we want to live our life and enjoy what we do, not just work to die. Living is about living your true self journey. We do have a choice in what we want to do. We do not have to look to other generations for advice all the time. There’s a time and a place for advice and there’s a time to really look internal and decide intuitively for yourself. Life is different for all generations. Change has come because the vibrations have changed through the generations through the accelerated pace of the planet. We are all special and meaningful to how the world works and how the collective consciousness world. Its about truly accepting who you are and your true souls purpose and mission. Stability is different now, we are fighting mental health, we are fighting to be ourselves and not live in an industrialised society.
Media and technology is manipulative. You get lost in technology and media, we are now using those systems as appropriate tools for writing and reading in schools. Technology isn’t all bad, but it is if there are other skills lost and if it becomes the only tool. Are they learning desterixy, or being outdoors, is there a balance? Every person is different, everyone is an individual. Look at school, you had to excel in every single area, how can someone do that? I will never understand it. I could not excel in 5 subjects! Crazy!
This is why academia has really been a great space for me, because I could just look at one specific subject to excel at. Technology and media can really disrupt and distort our minds and our vibrations, so it is important to be wary how much we get sucked into it. This is also on a radio wave/electromagetic level.
I think on an individual level it’s important to do what’s for you. Only sustaining your vibration and happiness is too important. Be true to yourself. Do not let yourself be miserable! If you are in the present, then you will be happy, you will be living in the true present.
Do not worry about what you’ve not done, what you could do, harness those thoughts so what you put out for manifesting is positive and it’s about loving yourself so you are in a space of peace and the collective consciousness will take that on as well. It’s about focusing on being who you are, because that is the utmost importance. Being who you truly are, is the most important thing, not being a person who, goes along with the programming, what everyone says, or comparing yourself to others.
You are worthy, you are special and what you are doing right now in the present moment, is most important. It’s really hard to harness your thoughts, but it is important. I often stray, and I had to catch myself and say, “What does that matter”, Is that a present moment?” It usually isnt and then I can align with my present moment. As that, is my spiritual journey. It can be terrifying to be in a space of having to face fears, but it is natural to feel this way. These are limited beliefs and patterns that you have been programmed with. In the present, you can face these fears and manifest positivity in all areas of your life.
When it comes down to rooting ourselves into a space, where we build a house, or we buy a house and we stay in that place, I’ve never seen myself in that position. It’s interesting where I find myself in life. I have always been quite impulsive. Yet when I had my daughter, i have been making more ‘responsible’ choices. It’s not that I’m lazy. I want to work, but in something I enjoy. When I was in school I was asked all the time what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be, where I wanted to go in life. I had no answers. I didn’t know. I have spent that whole time, until now, searching for it.
I moved out when I was 18, it didn’t work well, and I moved back in with my parents. I then moved interstate a few times, and I guess it just was what I felt I needed to do at the time. I read recently about a pilgrim and he just does not feel like he needs to be rooted, he needs to be moving. I really resonated with that. The character could not just live in one house and stay there, he had to constantly move from opportunity to opportunity.
I have had messages and visions about being a travelling healer, messages recently around how Kane and I would own our own business and work together, Messages about we need to get mobile and get our drivers licenses. I had never known why. I had no idea, but I worked out the fear today, Our lifetime journey is to be on a journey, to not root ourselves. The older generations view was to root themselves and that’s fine, that’s their life, but it is not mine, it is not ours. We have to move or we feel stuck and we are ancient nomads. Society looks different at it, but if we don’t follow our flow in the present and our souls true journey, we get caught up in negative space very easily. When we are moving we are in our best present space.
We both had different visions of our path if we stayed in a present space. When we spoke of it, we were amazed we had the same visions. Intuitively, if we don’t follow our path, those things could happen. We were called the other day, saying the landlord was selling our rental house. I had irrational fear suddenly come up. It took 3 days of meditating and clearing, but I can’t feat]r the progress, I can’t fear the process.
Everyday we are now meditating, communicating about what could happen. I always thought Kane wanted to stay in the same place, but he has also had visions and in his head he has always wanted to move but he felt growing up he couldn’t take risks. But, now we are ready to move out of this authority that anyone else can tell us what we can do. Weird, since we are 30 and 31, but these are the things we must change to just live our own life.
I know if we stay on this path, we will either root ourselves somewhere and travel from there or travel. So now I know my blockage to pass is to get past the fear of driving, and I understand if I put my negativity into motion then that can happen, but this is what my journey is about, so now it’s time to unblock that fear. It is no longer important.
I can’t live the life that is no longer in me, no longer apart of me. Being rooted is not who I am.
I always feel society is telling me to go go go, but my body is telling me to stop, to rest, to sleep. This is why I sabotage myself and my energy. I am not listening to myself at all. I need to take time out for whatever reason I am tired and I have to regenerate my energy. Society says you need to work this and that and it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s because today, when I was talking to Kane and we had a conversation, we realised our joruneys matched up in a complete sycronicity and take it into full force, we are ready to go! I always thought he wanted to root he seemed to serious about staying in one place, but this is it, this is us pushing past our fears, dissolving the programming, beliefs, patterns that are taking me off my souls true journey.
I know if I stay in the present, I can be in a space of calm, we will go where we need to go. Where we are now, we had a calm transition, it’s a space of lessons, but not emotional or traumatic lessons. We needed a space of, calm tranquil place. This house is old, we have learned, we have had healing lessons, we have learnt we can heal wherever we are if we can harness the energy and grow past fear and evolve. It has been a space of spiritual evolving. I have to meditate everyday to ground myself so I do not cause a cause and effect made by fear.
With accelerated motion it will happen quicker and quicker. This year isn’t about clients, it’s about attracting and connecting with the right people, it’s about connecting with ourselves as healer. It’s about heart connections for me and making those connections in the present moment. I am worthy of this and being the person I want to be, travelling the journey I intuitively know is right for me.
I know when I was questioning and Kane questioned me about the name, Holistic Adventure. I thought at the time, holistic adventure meant going on an adventure, someone elses adventure with us. But in the end, it’s about not just our clients, but us going on an adventure. A wholeness of health. With Energy healing, NLP, hypnotherapy, it’s holistic in services and a collective view, global and local view. Harnessing those energies and healing the oneness, the collectiveness, healing in business and personal. healing in business for us is not about turning this into money solely, but this is our mission, this is our journey, this are projects that are surrounded with absolute love and wanting people to really live heart centered and connectiveness. Connecting the clients, because it’s time for them to heal. It’s time to start getting people to heal what they are ready to heal and the deeper we get to go the better to heal, whatever their journey is, as they may find someone else to resonate with. We want our clients to feel drawn to us.
When you start having critical thinking and questioning things, thats when the shift will start. it’s a beautiful thing to see people transforming. In the end it;s about transformation in a good space of able to change and ready to grow, and if they aren’t it’s about just healing the energy as they are. My journey when i first starts months after months of change I’d change a month at a time then drop back, now it’s daily, everything is changing around me, I have intense visions and intense dreams. But, I'm asking for that. I want to grow, I do not want to move on from this lifetime and not complete this mission. My souls mission is to complete what I need to complete and it will happen as it is meant to be because I am finally allowing it into my life.
The reason why I’ll be travelling so much is because we cant stay in the same energy space. Everyday we become different, but every space we go will be about healing others, where we need to go in the present flow.