Dream Diary Sat 24 Dec 2016. I felt like I was living inside a dream of the experience the other me was having in another time.
I was walking dark streets with dimmed streetlights, I knew I was in a place I was not familiar with, but I kept wandering as my intuition was guiding me, so I was safe. I had been working as a nurse with some soldiers in a care home and I never felt unsafe, this was just life, it was what life was and we accepted it. One part of me knew I was from another time, I had snippets of dreams where I was driving somewhere with people from a different time, possibly a more modern time, but I also knew I had to be here in this time for a reason too.
I met with a man, who has a long white or beige colour coat on, where the big silver round buttons finished around the lower belly area. He was tall’ish, thin’ish with dark hair and handsome. This man had a commanding presence. I knew he was important and he stirred something up in me that I had not felt before. When he spoke to me, I knew I had to know him and I knew him for a reason. I just did not know yet.
The man and I were in a crowd of people, what seemed like a line, it was dark with the streetlights beaming a struggling dimmed light onto the street. It felt wrong, seedy but in a different breath, I was on a mission, with this man who seemed to take my breath ever so slightly.
The man told me he was in trouble, he was in the military but something had happened, he was being followed and I had to take something from him. He gave me 2 red coloured plastic circular shaped objects and I knew I needed to take them and leave. I had no idea what was happening, why I had to take the coins or where I was even going.
I took the coins and put them in my mouth for safe keeping as I escaped from the dimmly lit mob in the street. As I retreated from the group, I saw a tall brut’ish looking man standing in the street. It seems he was waiting for me, as he grabbed me and started to choke me. I fended him off with a few punches and kicks and broke free. I took off down the street in a fierce run, as I suddenly took off into the sky. I was flying above the buildings, trees and streets. I could see what looked like a car chase on the streets and I followed it whilst flying in the sky.
The car chase stopped in an area that felt forbidden. I knew it was possibly a drug area and I flew down to perch on a tree. I knew I had to get down from the tree and find out what was below.
I found myself walking into a building where I realised I had been before. It was called the “fortress”. I had been there with the military man on a mission earlier than this current time. I saw familiar faces, as I said hello to them, not sure who they were though. I knew one was a police officer and I knew he was on my side and was not corrupt, except wanting to do some drugs at the “fortress”.
A man came upto me and instantly pushed 2 purple coloured plastic circular shaped objects into my hand and gave me sticky tape to tape them to my body. I instantly grabbed the sticky tape and did so. I stuck the objects under my breast and on my chest.
I started talking to the man and I asked what I needed to do now. He replied that he had some drugs he needed me to do and he gave me two tumblers. I said I was quite afraid, but there was a part of me that knew I had to do it anyway, no questions. So I put the two tumblers down on a small table next to me. On the other side of the table, the police officer was there and he grabbed my hand and he said not to worry he would watch out over me. There was a part of me that knew he was not lying but I was still not feeling 100% trusting. I looked down at the tumblers. One had about 10 small tablets in the glass, this was muscle relaxant. The other was a blue/green colour and had some small balls in it, I assumed it was cactus or Ayahuasca.
I drank the first one with the small tablets and I started a conversation with the man. I was experiencing some psychadelic feelings and seeing some shapes and I was instantly reminded of smoking DMT.
So, I said to him do you know what DMT is? Have you had DMT? This is just like that! The man looked at me strangely, not having a clue what DMT was but suspicious because he was THE man when it came to drugs.
I suddenly realised that I was not from this time. I said to the man, oh wait, I’m from another time….2075? 2095? No! 2016! Oh wow I just realised and remembered I am not from this time. How peculiar!!! The man was not shocked or surprised, he said, you need to drink the other drink, you will be okay.
So, I drank the second drink and I felt the drugs start to take effect. I felt myself feel heavy and intense, so I closed my eyes to try to balance myself so I did not feel the intensity of the drugs taking effect. I felt like the whole world was going black around me and it was just me in the room. I could feel myself still in the room sitting on the chair. I could still feel the world around me slightly, but it was slowly losing any reality and it was just me, my consciousness and that was all.
It was a similar experience to smoking DMT, where the whole world slows down into just breath by breath existence and nothing else matters, it’s just you, the tiny significance of you and absolutely nothing else. Everything feels and looks like a projection around you and reality loses it’s physicality. The perfect feeling.
I was completely in my head as the room blackened around me. I could still feel myself thinking deep thoughts without any of the extra interference and this kind of thought is best for intuitive guidance.
I felt myself dwindle in and out of body and thoughts, as I eventually woke up. I felt like I was living inside a dream of the experience the other me was having in another time.
I woke up knowing the name of the man (John Barter) who had given me the coins and I knew where he was at the time. It was late 1800’s-early 1900’s and in Bermuda.
I looked up his name, and he was indeed in the military in Bermuda early 1900’s on military navy placement.