Generation Gap

Rachel Allan
2 min readMar 3, 2018


Hearts broken

as we are told once again

we were given everything we need

in the form of material things.

Tears stream down our faces,

as we are ripped to shreds by

the invisibility we are forced to feel

forced to conceal what is our personal real.

We are unheard, unspoken and unapologetic,

yet if we even murmur from the core of our bones

the truth that we have known since the beginning of time

we are cast into the shadows, the darkness, to hide.

We don’t need things,

we need to feel as if we aren’t breaking down

from the unspoken monologue that we feel every single day

but is not said to us, firsthand.

Stop telling me that we got everything

so how can we complain?

When our hearts and souls are yearning

for a deeper connection past something bought for us.

Look further outside from within your internal prison,

that you built around you

to keep yourself protected

safe and sound from those who may hurt you.

It’s time to open the festering wounds,

wash them clean and let them heal

as without the awareness of self

the web of lies loop on a neverending cycle.

Moving through the grief cycle,

at such a heightened speed

knowing deep down that everything

is as it is meant to be.

Creating the world for our own,

is only something we can decide for ourselves

to shift within pockets of energy

and express the inner world we have always been.

Fear is a concept created and believed,

but without belief it does not exist

allow everything to become as you are

and the flow of being can’t be compromised.



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