- Name changed for privacy reasons
Jan pulled my arm, she wanted to chat, so I took her lead and we started to open a conversation.
Jan started off with her story.
“We were married 75 years this year you know, he died 2 years ago, if he was here today he would be 100!”
I responded with amazement, “Wow! Jan! That’s so long, how wonderful you could spend so many years together!”
Jan looked at me and smiled, it was like she remembered their love together for the first time, “Yes, we lived in Williamstown our whole life, we had our boy there, our whole life, and I only had 5 years away from him while he was away in the army.”
I smiled at Jan, “I absolutely adore Williamstown, what a wonderful place to live with your family Jan, the beach is so refeshing and serene.”
Jan grinned at me, “Yes, I never wanted to live anywhere else, the beach was my home and my home with my family, my husband would have been 100 this year.”
I asked Jan, “How old are you Jan? That’s so wonderful, were you in here together?”
Jan gazed into my eyes this time, I could see the sadness in her whole being, “I’m 2 years younger than he is, I’m 98, I can’t believe I have lived this long, it’s very sad that he left before I did, I miss him terribly, we were in here together, but I miss Williamstown, this is no Williamstown.”
I felt my heart being pulled just slightly, thinking in the space of a second how wonderful to have that true love for so long and living where your soul knows it belongs, “How beautiful Jan, you spent so many years with your true love, in the place you called home for such a long time, that’s a true love right there, not everyone gets to have that experience, you have lived a truly loving life Jan.”
Jan felt more connected than ever at this point, she looked at me as she gave out a big sigh, “You are so right, our love was so true and pure and he was the only one for me, it was a true love.”
I touched Jan on the hand and let her know she is still loved by so many here, and her family, that love does still exist for her in this world.
And it was time for Jan to go back into her room.