When I read articles about baby boomers spreading negativity about the next generations, all I see is the baby boomers fighting against what they have created. They go on about why the next generations are worse than them. They are fighting for excuses and reasoning as to why we have so much economic damage, low job opportunities, a desperate and broken welfare system and trauma widespread across the country and the world.
I feel them fighting for their right to put the next generations beneath them. Ideologies causing expectations that are out of control. Common phrases such as, they are all lazy, they don’t want jobs, they choose and want to be on welfare and now, that we eat out too much at cafes and that’s why we are worse off financially.
We are experiencing our world, not yours, and you will never be able to understand our generation and what we are going through without listening to what we have and are experiencing, instead of condemn on assumptions.
Our world is one where we can hardly afford to pay for our livelihood without considerable bank debt and buying a house is unimaginable for a majority of people. When it was our time to get jobs, we were told to go to higher learning and university, so we did, and at the end there may not even be a job waiting. Many people end up on welfare after they have finished a university degree. Then, this generation has a gigantic university debt to pay off.
We rely on bank loans and credit cards to survive and we struggle to pay off these debts, which we are able to get whilst on low paid government welfare. We are suffering huge amounts of employment loss, including many jobs being sold off overseas and government/economic breakdowns at every turn. We are realising we cannot rely on anyone, except ourselves.
These systems were formulated and created by generations before us. We are cynical about money, so we don’t bother idolising it and yes, we do enjoy life to the fullest, because we have witnessed the generations before us go through several breakdowns working themselves and hating themselves to death and we want better or ourselves and our families. We see through it all.
We are unique, we are sensitive, we feel deeply and we need support from each other to feel happy and we acknowledge this, instead of ignore it. We have seen generations before us ignore this and they are much worse off, with huge mental pain, physical pain, emotional pain and spiritual pain. We do not want this for us or our children and we want better.
We know that life is short, we have seen the pain around us, so we make decisions to better our life from day to day, instead of long term. We are not saving for retirement or putting our money into farce insurances, because what is the point? If our money is simply gambled with?
We are not oblivious to your media influence. We see what is happening locally and globally. We are concerned for ours and our children’s future, because the world has been turned into a capitalist prison. We have become imprisoned within ourselves, with technology and media telling us how to live and who to be and we want to break out of it.
Your generation created a global consciousness creation of constant diagnosis. You diagnose everything and through that people have lost their intuition. Mental illness is at a high, because they are told to take pills to make it all better, pills I have seen too many kill themselves from, due to further emotional instability. A global consciousness of poison.
So yes, feeling burdened by a global pain from the beautiful souls being tortured in complex situations 24/7, life is too short to not enjoy myself when I want. Why would I want to work myself to death for a system that only cares for self in power positions?
Call me what you like, I am of a generation that is fighting through the disdain and wants for a better existence, following my souls journey and you can look at me negatively, or you can be proud that we have broken through our own torment to want better for ourselves.
We know better and therefore we are creating better .